Ensure your employees don’t miss a beat, and see the most relevant information to them and your business.
- How do I publish a news article in Huma?
- Can I edit a published news article?
How will employees know that a news post has been published?
How do I publish a news article in Huma?
1. Go to "News module"
2. Click "New article"
3. Create your news article with a featured text, link and emojis
- You can upload a featured image (header image). It is recommended to use a 3:2 image ratio, ensuring the most essential parts of the image are centered.
- You cannot upload a picture in the content section.
4. Click "Publish" and choose who you want to share it with, tags and if you want to send out a
Can I edit a published news article?
1. Go to News module
2. Go to the relevant news article
3. Click the three dots in the top right corner and select "Edit article"
- Now you can edit the text and/or picture if you want to.
4. Press publish
How do I categorize an article?
When you create a news article, you can create and select one or more words in ”tags” you wish to use to categorize the article under. Note that only users with the right permissions can perform this task.
How will employees know that a news post has been published?
When you publish a news article, you need to select ”Send notification when publishing” within the “change publishing settings” section. Once you then click “Publish”, a notification will be sent in app and via email.
How do I know what team the news post applies to?
All news articles that are assigned to a team or location are marked accordingly. In addition you will find the news posts within each of the specific teams and locations.
When you press publish, you can select whether the content is visible to everyone in the company or just a specific team/location. Currently, this only affects the content’s relevance, but it remains accessible to everyone in the company.
Can I unpublish a news article?
1. Go to News module
2. Go to the relevant news article
3. Click the three dots in the top right corner and select "Unpublish"
4. Confirm
- Your news article will now end up in "Dratfs".
- You can always "Publish" it again by clicking "Publish" in the top right corner.
*Note that not every user necessarily have access to publish news. Your system admin will have to provide access to allow you to publish an article.
Subscription: Free, Business and Enterprise subscrition
Role: system role with full access over "News"