Transfer days from one absence period to another
- How to make a transfer
Rolling Time Period vs. Calendar Year for Self-Certified Sick Days
- Why can´t I transfer absence days for my employees?
To make transfers you need the system permission 'Absence management', which is included in the default 'System admin role'
How to make a transfer
To transfer absence days for your employee you need to
- Navigate to the "People module", choose the current employee and click "Absence"
- Navigate to the three dots to the right of the absence type and click on "Transfer Days"
- Choose which period you want to transfer to and how many days that should be transferred. Add a note if you like, this will be visible to the employee. Click "Save".
When an employee is enrolled in a policy that uses a "Calendar Year" time period, their balance will reset at the beginning of each new year.
Please note that vacation days are not transferred automatically; this process must be completed manually.
Watch these videos to learn how to make a transfer and to verify that your settings are correctly configured.
Activate absence transfer on a policy
All Vacation policies have absence transfer activated by default.
To access these settings:
- Go to the "Absence module"
- Click on "Settings" and one absence type
- Navigate to the three dots to the right of the policies and click "Edit"
- Activate "Allow days to be transferred" and click "Save"
Rolling Time Period vs. Calendar Year for Self-Certified Sick Days
- If you are sick on June 1st and 2nd, 2023, you will get these days renewed on June 1st and 2nd, 2024, if you have chosen the rolling 12-month period.
- With a fixed time period, you will receive 12 new days based on the set start date of the calendar year.
Why can´t I transfer absence days for my employees?
If you want to transfer absence days, the employee must be enrolled in a policy that permits the transfer of days and has a defined limit on the number of vacation days available (for example, 25 days). Additionally, the employee must have participated in the policy for its entire duration.
See video here.