
Do you have any ideas or improvements for Huma?

What is Roadmap? 

Check out the Huma HR Roadmap to get a clear overview of both new ideas we're considering and features we've already launched. Here, you can see what we're planning for the future and what's already available.

The roadmap is divided into:
- Launched 🚀
- In progress 👷
- Ideas 💡
- Integration 🧩

You can find the link to our Roadmap here.

When submitting an idea or voting on an existing idea in our roadmap, it is important that you include which need the idea addresses and why you need it. This helps us better understand user requirements and specific and detailed descriptions make it easier for us to evaluate and implement the best suggestions. 

I have an idea for improvement

To submit an idea to the Roadmap, you need to:
1. Click on "Submit Idea"
2. Describe "what you would be able to do, and how it would help you"
3. Specify the level of importance
4. Provide your email address and confirm it
5. Submit idea 

I want to vote for an existing idea

To vote on an already existing idea:
1. Click on the idea you want to give your vote to
2. Choose how important it is to you
3. Write down your thoughts on "Why do you need this?"
4. Provide your email address and confirm it
5. Submit vote 

Can anyone see my votes or ideas?

No, your votes and new ideas remain anonymous. Submitted wishes on the roadmap are initially reviewed by our product board and developers, who later select and publish the most popular ideas.

What happens when a feature that I voted on or submitted is being released?

When it is released you will get a notification from our Product team on your submitted email address.