Salary revision in Huma

Understand what salary revision is and how it works in Huma.

What is a salary revision?

A salary review is a process of evaluating and adjusting employees' salaries. This usually happens once a year. The purpose is to ensure that the salaries are fair and competitive. The employer assesses employees' performance, market salaries, and the company's financial situation to decide on any salary increases. It can also include discussions with employees about their salary expectations and job performance.

How it works

With Salary Revision in Huma, HR and managers can quickly adjust salaries within their budget. In Huma the whole process is clear and straightforward, ensuring everyone makes smart, informed decisions that follow company rules and goals: This is how it works:

  1. HR or the compensation team establishes a budget and selects employees for salary adjustments, grouping them by their respective departments or teams.
  2. Once the review process begins, assigned reviewers can submit salary changes for approval.
  3. When approved, HR can update the salaries on the employees’ profiles, and the employees are notified.

Manage salaries for your employee in one single, secure place


In short: How does the salary revision process work?

Salary admins set up a budget and select which employees to include in the revision. Reviewers propose adjustments to approvers, who can accept or reject these changes.

What are the key benefits of using salary revision in Huma?

This process improves efficiency, enhances transparency in compensation decisions, and ensures that salary adjustments are in line with overall budgets.

Can reviewers access budget information when recommending salary adjustments?

Yes! Reviewers can view their group’s budget in order to make informed recommendations. They can propose salary adjustments for people in their group, and submit them for approval.

Who has access to salaries in Huma?

User roles determine who can see and update salaries on users’ profiles. A separate system role (Salary admin) allows users to create, update and delete salary records via revisions.

Approvers can add Reviewers to a group, who can then suggest salary adjustments for its members.

Reviewers only have access to their group when the revision is "In Review".

Approvers always have access to all groups and can submit groups on behalf of the reviewers.

How are employees notified about salary adjustments?

Affected employees are automatically notified about their salary adjustments once a revision is approved.

Can I add people without a supervisor to a revision group?

Yes! You can create a new group and filter people by "No supervisor" using the filter in the people picker modal.

Can I exclude people who recently started?

Yes! In the revision setup, it's possible to set a date, and people who started after this date will not be included in the revision process.

What about the exchange rates?

Exchange rates are used to calculate statistics for the revision. They are set when the revision is started.

How can I add a baseline adjustment to everyone?

In a group, you can select "Change all" and add a percentage. Everyone in the list will be updated.

Be aware - it will override already added adjustments.

I don't see the changes added to the employee profile salary tab?

Changes made to the user's profile during the revision are not automatically collected in the revision. You must manually refresh the data in each group by clicking the "context menu" ··· in the top right corner of each group.

Can I have people with different currencies and different frequencies in the same revision?

YES! The salary will be updated in the same currency and with the same frequency as the user already has. So in the revision, you will see the numbers and statistics based on the revision currency and the revision view settings (yearly, monthly, weekly, and hourly) - but when the salary is updated, it will be updated with the same currency and frequency as the employee had before the revision.

What happens with the employees that already have existing upcoming salaries?

If the employee has an upcoming salary (after the revision effective date), the new salary from the revision will override the upcoming one and leave it without an end date.

How can I get the updated numbers to my payroll system?

In Huma, you can easily export and include salaries. You can pick a specific date for which salary to export. For instance, if you have an upcoming salary adjustment on June 1st, you can pick the date when exporting the data.

How can I get notes from our salary review one-on-ones?

Use the meetings module in Huma! The Meeting / 1:1 module is a perfect place to document important things discussed in the salary review one-on-ones.

Can you define a salary decrease in the salary revision?

Yes! You can decrease by either percentage or amount within the revision.

We don't have salaries in Huma yet, how can we add them quickly?

In the Salary > Overview, you will have all employees listed. You can simply add salary to each and everyone in your organization.

It is also possible to add salary within a revision and get it approved. However, if you do so, the effective date defined in the revision will be used as the salary effective date.

What happens when two reviewers edit the same revision group at the same time?

The last person who saves their change will have their edits used. Only edited salary changes will be saved.

Example: Kari, Olle, and Anders are listed in a revision group. Linn and Mira are reviewers of the group. Linn updates Kari's salary and Mira updates Anders' salary. In this case, there is no conflict.

But if both Linn and Mira update Kari's salary, it will result in a conflict where the last saved salary will be used.

Reviewers are recommended to talk to each other before submitting their suggestions for approval.

What are the different states that a revision can be in?

Approvers (people with system permission: salary management) are the only ones that will have access to the revision itself. The revision itself can be in three different states:

  • Draft
  • In Review
  • Completed

A revision can contain revision groups to which reviewers can be assigned. A revision group can be in four different states:

  • Draft - When the revision is in "Draft," the revision group will follow.
  • Pending - When the revision is started, the revision groups are set to "Pending." Assigned reviewers are notified and can submit salary adjustments for approval.
  • Submitted - When reviewers submit their adjustments for approval, the revision group is set to "Submitted." Reviewers have no access to the revision group once they have sent it for approval.
  • Approved - When the approver approves the suggestions, the revision group is set to "Approved." Only approvers have access to the revision group when it's approved. No changes can be made once the revision group is approved.

A revision can only be completed when all revision groups are approved.

The approvers can change the revision group status back and forth between the statuses.

No changes can be made to salaries when the revision is completed.

How can salaries be seamlessly transferred to our payroll system?

Utilize our Webhooks integration to seamlessly transfer data stored in Huma to your preferred system automatically. Learn more about our Webhooks integration and its capabilities here.

We are currently developing plug-and-play integrations and exploring ways to transfer Salary data to them. This feature is expected to be available later this year.