How to edit a document in Huma

This is what smart documents is and how it works

What are Smart Documents in Huma?

Smart Documents in Huma is a feature that allows HR professionals and managers to create, manage, and update HR-related documents efficiently. By using customizable templates and smart fields, Smart Documents streamline the process of handling employment contracts, privacy statements, CVs, pay slips, and more, ensuring legal compliance and reducing administrative overhead.

  1. Choose a pre-approved template (or create your own)
  2. Merge employee information and add details
  3. Preview and Send for digital signing



How do I create a new template in Huma?

To create a new template, navigate to Documents section in Huma, and click the Templates-tab in top. From there, click on "Add template", and choose "New smart template" and customize it by adding or modifying sections and placeholders as needed. Save your template for future use.

See video for how to create and update a new template.

Where Do I find templates provided by Huma and how can I use them?

All predefined templates provided by Huma, and our partners are located in the template library.

  1. Open template library
  2. Filter the list
  3. Preview and add the template to your templates


We have our templates in a Word file today - how can it be added to our templates in Huma?

Copy content from the word file and paste it into the editor. Huma will try to keep the format. It could be recommended to paste the content as plain text, without formatting. To do so you can right click in the editor and choose "Paste without format". Or use `cmd + shift + v` on a mac / `ctrl + shift + v` on PC. 

Can I edit an existing template?

Yes, you can edit existing templates within Huma. Select the template you wish to edit, make your changes, and save the updated template.

How can I share templates within my organization?

To share templates within your organization, adjust the access settings in the template details. Ensure relevant personnel, such as HR professionals and managers, have the necessary access.

People with access can use the templates but cannot edit their content unless they have specific smart document system permissions.

By default, new templates are available to those with the Smart template system permission. You can modify the template details to share it with:

  • Everyone
  • Specific teams or locations
  • Specific individuals

Those with access can create and modify documents based on the template, but they cannot edit the template itself unless they have the Smart template permission.


How are permissions managed for creating and editing templates?

Huma’s system-level permissions ensure that only authorized users can create, edit, or delete templates. 


Can partners share templates with customers in Huma?

Yes, partners can create templates and export them for their clients.

These shared templates can be imported and used by the customers, ensuring consistency and compliance.


What are data sources, and how do they work?

Data sources are references to values within your organization that can be embedded into the document, such as persons, teams, locations – and the organization itself. 

As an example:

You may want to refer to the new hire, their manager and also add some information about the company within the document or template. 

In that case you can add data sources as following:

    • "New hire"
      • Type: Since the new hire is a user we should select "User" as type of data source
      • Label: The label can be customized - but for this case we would like to label it as "New hire".
      • Click save and smart fields from The New Hire can be added to the document / template
    • "Manager"
      • Type: Since the manager is a user we should select "User" as type of data source
      • Label: The label can be customized - but for this case we would like to label it as "New hire".
      • Click save and smart fields from The Manager can be added to the document / template


How do I add a smart field to a template?

There are two different ways to embed values from a data source. Either you can type $, or you can use our "smart-button".

By using our "smart-button", you can easily select the field or source you want. When you click on the "smart-button", a list of available fields from all supported sources will appear. For example, selecting "employee" from the list will bring up employee fields from all relevant sources.

Inserting a field in a template will result in a placeholder, while it will display the actual value in documents – provided the data source’s value is set and accessible to you.

Type a $ followed by the name of the field or source you want. Typing $name will bring up name fields from all sources that support it, and typing $organization will bring up the various fields available on that source.


What should I do if a data source is not auto-filling correctly?

If a data source is not auto-filling correctly, ensure that the relevant employee data is available and correctly entered in Huma. If the issue persists, contact Huma for assistance.

If you don't have access to the value that is referred to in the document you may want to just replace the smart field with plain text.

Document Editing and Digital signature

Can I edit documents directly within Huma?

Yes, documents can be edited directly within Huma. Load the template into the document editor, make any necessary edits, and save the document and send it for digital signature.


Can I send documents for digital signature from Huma?

Yes, you can send documents for digital signature directly from Huma, simplifying the approval process. Alternatively, you can save the document as a PDF and use the existing signature functionality if preferred.

Remember that you need a "system role" to be able to send documents for digital signing.

Read more about signing documents here. 

Legal Compliance and Updates

How does Huma ensure compliance with legal requirements?

Huma provides predefined, legally compliant templates that are automatically updated to reflect any changes in legislation. This ensures that all employment contracts and other documents remain up-to-date with the latest legal requirements.

When document templates are updated, the changes will be included in our newsletter and will contain everything you need to know about how to get the updated template.

What happens if there are changes in the law?

Huma tracks legal changes and updates the templates in the template library accordingly.

How do I update a template if there are new legal requirements?

Huma automatically updates predefined templates to comply with new legal requirements. If you have custom templates, you may need to manually update them or create a new template based on the updated Huma templates.

Find your documents easily by filtering.

You can find your documents either by "title" or different filter categories. 

Choose between

  • Category
    • Predefined documents category
  • Type
    • Smart Documents
      Huma smart document
    • PDF Files
    • Rich Text
      pages, doc, docx, dotx, odt, ott
    • Plain Text
      markdown, txt, csv
    • Spreadsheets
      numbers, ods, ots, xls, xlsx, xltx
    • Presentations
      key, odp, otp, pptx, sldx, ppsx, potx, ppt
    • Images
      apng, bmp, gif, jpg, png, svg, tif, webp, heic
    • Graphic Design
      eps, ai, ps, indd, psd
    • Videos
      mpg, ogv, webm, mkv, flv, avi, mov, m4v, wmv, 3gp
    • Audio
      aac, mp4, mp3, m4a, oga, flac, wma, wav
    • Archives (zip)
      gzip, zip, rar, 7z
  • Regarding
  • Owner
  • Access
    • By default, you see documents you own, and documents shared with you directly; teams or locations you’re a member of; or everyone.
  • Signing status