AI-powered job descriptions and why it's important

Clarify responsibilities and manage your company's and employees' expectations by ensuring job titles are well-described.

Why are job descriptions important? 

  1. Things Run Smoothly: Clear job descriptions make sure everyone knows what they’re supposed to do.
  2. Easier to Find Good Team Members: When you know what the job is, it's easier to find the right person for it.
  3. Fair Judgement of Work: It's easier to see who's doing a good job when you know what their job is.
  4. Helps People Grow in Their Career: Clear job roles make it easier for employees to improve and move up.
  5. Saves Time on Day-to-Day Stuff: When everyone knows their job, less time is wasted on sorting out who does what.
  6. Keeps You Out of Legal Trouble: Having clear job descriptions can help avoid legal issues.
  7. Fair Workload for Everyone: It makes sure work is split up evenly, so no one is too busy or too idle.

This is how it works in Huma

Use AI to update job descriptions! 

  1. Go to "System settings" > "Job title".
  2. Just click “Generate Descriptions” to start the AI-driven process for crafting job descriptions.
  3. Adjust the generated text with options like 'change tone of voice', 'translate to any language', 'make shorter', 'make longer' and 'fix spelling' .
  4. Review and tweak the AI-suggested text until it's just right.
  5. Save the finalized job description and smoothly move on to the next.
  6. Repeat the process until all job descriptions in the company are perfectly in place.
  7. On a user's profile, choose either the default description added to the job title or write a unique one for that individual.

Read more about Huma's AI Content Assistant here.

How do you assign a job title to an employee?

Assign a job title by selecting an existing title with its default description, or by creating a custom title tailored to the individual's role.

  1. Access the person's profile card through the People module
  2. Scroll down to "Employement" and click "Edit"
  3. Pick a "Job title"
    1. Employees can only be assigned to one job title 
  4. Choose between "The job title’s default description" or "Individual description" 
    1. If the default description for the job title is missing, you can either create a personalized description for that title or add it through the "Job title" section in "System settings."
    2. If there is no existing description for the "Individual description," you can either create one manually or utilize our AI content assistant by selecting "Generate suggestion."
  5. Click "Save"

Read more about "Employement" on employees profile card here.