NAV / Altinn integration

Follow these steps to automatically have your employees’ sick leaves in NAV added to Huma

Why should we use this integration? Read our blog post about how the NAV/Altinn integration can help your company

Sick leaves from NAV can only be created on Huma users with a valid Norwegian identification number.

When activating this integration there will be some limitations to the sick leave follow-up process.

Read more here

1. Set up permissions in Altinn

To be able to send Sick leaves to Huma, you need to give Huma access to your company's sick leaves in Altinn

It's important that you set up access in Altinn as we explain below for the integration to work.

Also, remember to set up the correct access in Altinn before configuring the integration in Huma.

  1. Log in to Altinn with a user who has access to the company.
    1. Ensure the user has the role of either 'Tilgangsstyring' or 'Hovedadministrator' in Altinn. This is often the CEO of the company.
  2. Navigate to the organization you wish to integrate sick leaves for.

  3. Navigate to 'Innstillinger' > 'Andre med rettigheter til virksomheten' and '+ Legge til ny person eller virksomhet'

  4. Choose 'Ekstern virksomhet' and add Huma's details:
    Org. nr: 912159329
    Navn: Huma

  5. Select 'Gi tilgang til enkelttjenester,' then search for 'sykmelding' and click 'Legg til.' After that, click 'Gå videre' to continue.

  6. Complete permission set up by clicking 'Fullfør delegering'

Read more about sub units and what they are for at Brønnøysundregistrene.

2. Connect NAV / Altinn integration in Huma


NB! Please note the following before continuing:

  • Altinn may take some time to actually process the permissions you have just granted to Huma, so if you run into a problem in completing the setup below, you may have to just wait some minutes and try again.
  • To connect the integration, you first need to enable graded absence for the sick leave type in the absence settings.
    • 1. Go to "Absence module"
    • 2. Navigate to "Settings"
    • 3. Click on absence type "Sick leave" and "Edit absence type"
    • 4. Click on "Allow graded absence" and choose between "Count as full days in Huma" or "Count as partial days in Huma"

Screenshot 2024-09-06 at 13.40.03-1

  1. Copy or write down the org. nr of the sub unit in Altinn

  2. Log in to your Huma account
  3. Go to 'Integrations' in the main menu and choose 'NAV / Altinn'
  4. Please read and make sure you understand the information about the NAV / Altinn integration before moving to the next step.
  5. Click 'Set up' in the upper right corner

  6. Accept the terms & conditions, add the org. nr. of your sub unit which you got from Altinn, and click 'Continue'.

  7. Choose from which date you want to fetch sick leaves and click 'Save'.
    Note that absence administrators (fx. system admins) will receive separate notifications for every sick leave that is fetched, including those that have already ended.

    User with absence approval permissions (fx. managers, supervisor) will receive separate notifications for every sick leave concerning their subordinates. 

    Employees will receive separate notifications for their sick leave registrations from the chosen date.
    1. Huma will recognize sick leaves that match those fetched from NAV and automatically cancel the duplicates.

3. Pending integration

Once you save, the integration will be marked as pending until Huma verifies that the submitted organization number matches your company. This process may take up to 10 business days. You will be notified as soon as the verification is complete, and the integration will then become active.

4. Active integration

When the NAV/Altinn integration is active, all sick leaves that are added to NAV by a doctor will be sent to Huma via your company's Altinn account.

What if an absence record in Huma already exists for the same dates as the sick leave from NAV?

When Huma receives a sick leave from NAV, the system handles pre-existing absences in different ways:

  • 100% sick leave from NAV will cancel any manually created sick leave or absence in Huma.
  • Any sick leave from NAV, regardless of the percentage, will cancel manually created sick leave in Huma.
  • Graded sick leave from NAV will overlap with any absence type other than sick leave in Huma.

Other examples:

  • 100% vacation manually created in Huma  
    - Receives 60% sick leave from NAV  
    - What happens to the vacation?  
    - The vacation remains, and the sick leave overlaps.
    • Example: Anna has a 100% vacation registered in Huma from June 1 to June 10. If she receives a 60% sick leave for June 5 to June 15, the vacation entry for June 5-10 will remain while the sick leave overlaps.
  • 100% vacation manually created in Huma  
    - Receives 100% sick leave from NAV  
    - What happens to the vacation?  
    - The vacation created manually in Huma is canceled.
    • Example: Anna has a 100% vacation registered in Huma from June 1 to June 10. If she receives a 100% sick leave for June 5 to June 15, the vacation entry for June 5-10 will be Canceled.
  • 40% manual sick leave manually created in Huma  
    - Receives 50% sick leave from NAV  
    - What happens to the sick leave in Huma?  
    - The sick leave created manually in Huma is canceled.
    • Example: Anna has a 40% sick leave registered in Huma from June 1 to June 10. If she receives a 50% sick leave for June 5 to June 15, the sick leave entry for June 5-10 will be Canceled.

What if I have integrated with another system that is fetching absence data from Huma?

Sick leave records from the date selected in step 2.7, if matching, will be replaced by the sick leave from NAV in any other integrations.

If an issue occurs, a record will be created in the integration's error log, and a notification will be sent to administrators with integration access.

Limitations to the sick leave follow-up process

If you're using Huma's sick leave follow-up process together with this integration, please be aware that there will be some limitations to the follow-up process for norwegian employees.

Due to technical limitations, when a sick leave is extended in NAV, a new entry will be created in Huma, which will cause the ongoing follow-up process to stop.