Streamlined Sick Leave Management: Integration with NAV and Altinn

Managing sick leave efficiently is crucial for maintaining a smooth workflow and positive employee relations. Manual processes can be time-consuming, prone to errors, and create compliance risks. Let's deep dive on how this isn't a concern anymore.

Pitfalls you avoid with automatic sick leave processing

Manual registration of sick leaves often consumes valuable time and resources, increasing the risk of errors and potential regulatory violations. For employees, delays in processing can lead to stress and frustration, which may erode trust in the company. Persistent inefficiencies in managing sick leave can diminish employee satisfaction and increase turnover within the organization.

Why this integration is unique

NAV is the primary portal for public labor and welfare services in Norway and a crucial part of the welfare state's safety net. Integrating with NAV is therefore essential if you aim to be a leader in HR in the Nordic region.

By automating sick leave processes with Huma, you boost efficiency, minimize errors, and ensure full compliance with laws and regulations. This allows HR teams to focus on strategic tasks and supporting employees. For employees, faster processing reduces stress and simplifies reporting, fostering trust and improving morale. A more efficient system for managing sick leave benefits the entire organization by promoting a positive work environment.

This is how the integration works:
  1. The employee visits a doctor who issues a sick leave note.
  2. The doctor's note is recorded in NAV and on the company's Altinn account.
  3. Huma automatically syncs with Altinn, creating an accurate sick leave record without manual entry from HR.
  4. Huma immediately initiates a follow-up process for the sick leave, notifying the responsible manager of the next steps in handling the situation.
  5. Absence data from Huma is automatically sent to any integrated systems, such as payroll, ensuring that all relevant information is up-to-date and accurate.


Huma's NAV integration automates the process of managing sick leaves in NAV, freeing up time so you can focus on what truly matters—supporting your employees and helping them on the path to recovery.

Learn more about setting up the integration in our Knowledge Base.

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