Simplified deviation management for everyone.
How to get started with Deviations in Huma
A simple setup and you're up and running with Deviations in Huma. To do this you need to be a System or organization administrator.
- Define your case handlers. Deviation case handling is a system permission which will give access to all incoming deviation cases. (You can add and remove case handlers at a later stage)
- Activate and tell everyone in your company where to report deviations.
Who will have access to deviation cases
Everyone will have access to cases they reported themselves. Case handlers will have access to all deviation cases.
Case handlers need the system permission Deviation case handling. You can either:
- Add them to the locked role Deviation handler.
- Create a new or edit an existing custom system role.
How to report a deviation
Everyone in the organization can report a deviation via the button in the top. From the Huma Mobile app it’s super easy to report. Just open the app and choose Deviation in the menu.
- Pick a category
- Provide a detailed description of the incident, to assist the person handling the case later. Include information such as what happened, the location of the incident, how did it happen, who was involved. The more precise and comprehensive your details, the smoother the resolution process will be.
- If you want you can add an incident date and time of day.
- Include direct actions if you took any immediate steps or implemented improvements at the time of the incident.
- Upload any relevant photos or documents
- You have the option to remain anonymous throughout the resolution process. While you will receive all updates, your name will not be visible to others.
How to follow a deviation case as the reporter
The reporter will receive notifications by email when the deviation is updated with new information.
A dialogue between the Reporter and the Case Handler can be held within the case page.
The Reporter can add and edit certain information even after the deviation has been reported:
- Incident date and time of day
- Direct action
- Attachment they have uploaded
How to follow a deviation case as a case handler
The Case Handler will receive notifications by email when the deviation is updated with new information.
A dialogue between the reporter and the Case Handler can be held within the case page.
The Case Handler can add and edit certain information when the deviation has been reported:
- Status
- Not started (can’t be reverted after changed)
- In progress
- On hold
- Resolved
- Dismissed
- Incident date and time of day
- Severity. How serious is the incident
- Critical
- High
- Medium
- Low
- Attachments they have uploaded
- Case handler
- A dedicated case handler can be assigned to a specific case. In the absence of an assignment, notifications about the deviation case will be sent to everyone with the 'Deviation Case Handling' permission. Any user with this system permission has the ability to be assigned to a case.
- Root cause
- To assist with ISO 9001 certification, you now have the ability to add a root cause. ISO 9001 is a global standard for quality management that helps businesses make sure they're delivering products and services that meet customer expectations and follow the rules.
- Select from various categories, including "Lack of training/knowledge," "Procedure does not exist," and "Other," among others.
- Describe the problem in detail and use the "Five Whys" method—basically asking "Why?" five times—to dig deep and figure out the real cause of the issue.
- Due date
- If added, reminder notifications will be sent to the case handler if the deviation remains unresolved after the specified date.
- Measures
- What measures have been taken to prevent this from happening again?
How to create useful reports of incoming deviations
By exporting deviations you can gain useful insights around the deviations in your organization.
- Click Export in the top
- Filter what deviations to export. Available filters are:
- Deviation category
- Time period of created deviations
- Current status
- Severity
- Click export and the file will be downloaded to your computer
Note that only current values will be filtered on, i.e. a deviation that once had Critical severity but now has Medium severity will be shown as Medium in the export.
Examples of exports that can be made:
- All critical deviations that was reported last month
- All deviations reported this year that are still not resolved
- All resolved deviations this year
To be able to export a deviation, you need you need a Systemrole with access to "Organization". (SystemAdmin already has this permission, or one can create a new role).
Whistleblowing vs. Deviation: What is the Actual Difference?
Focuses on reporting serious and objectionable conditions such as violations of laws, ethical guidelines, or other significant misconduct within an organization. It allows for anonymous reporting and enables individuals other than employees to report.
Deviation Management (HSE)
Involves employees identifying, reporting, and managing deviations related to health, environment, and safety (HSE). This can include workplace accidents, safety hazards, near-misses, or health issues in the workplace.