System settings

An administrator can manage the system settings for the Huma organisation. Here's what's possible.


  • Change name and domain of the organization 

This is your organization’s display name. You can change the name that appears on your invoices over at the Subscription page.

1. Go to "System settings"

2. Click on "General"

3. Navigate to "Name" and click "change"

  • Upload a logo

The space for the logo available is 200px * 40px on web. That’s the space we have available for the customers logo in menu topbar on web and in the contract. You can create a transparent PNG / SVG with the logo within the defined frame.

The maximal ratio is 5:1 - but the logo will not be stretched if you upload a smaller version.

We recommend clients to upload a logo in SVG (vector format that’s not based on pixels) OR a @3x png (three times the size of logo displayed) to get a crisp and sharp one.

1. Go to "System settings"

2. Click on "General"

3. Navigate to "Logo" and click "Upload logo"

You can always go back and replace or delete the logo. 

  • Choosing login methods 

You can now choose which login methods your company have to use. If your company uses Microsoft only, you now have some more control over how people can access Huma, especially if you set up some extra settings in Entra (Azure). Choose between Google, Microsoft or One-time password. 

1. Go to "System settings"

2. Click on "General"

3. Navigate to "Login Method" and choose method by clicking "Edit" 

For now, federated authentication is not supported (using the existing Microsoft session), but will be implemented in the future. 


  • compare different plans and see what's included in the different tiers.
  • define contact person and manage payment information.
  • see how many e-sign you have left. 
  • handle payment plans. 
  • delete the organization and cancel the subscription. 

1. Go to "System settings"

2. Navigate to "Subscription" 

3. Handle your subscription. 

Custom profile fields

A "Custom profile field" is a customizable field that allows you to add specific information about employees that is not covered by the predefined fields in the system. This feature enables the recording of unique data that is important for the organization but not included in the standard fields.

1. Go to "System settings"

2. Navigate to "Custom profile fields"

3. Set up your own custom profile fields.

Learn how to set up "Custom profile fields" here. 

Manage modules

Choose which module or feature you want your company to have access to in Huma.

    • When disabling a module or a feature, no data will be lost, but all content and functionality will be hidden.

1. Go to "System settings"

2. Navigate to "Manage modules"

3. Enable or disable modules. 

Job titles

Manage your job titles or create new one.

Learn how to create job titles description with AI in Huma here. 

1. Go to "System settings"

2. Navigate to "Job titles"

Manage roles - user and system role. 

System and user permissions can be managed under system settings.

You need 

  • a system role to manage modules and the overall settings in Huma
  • a user role to have access to employee data under their profile cards 

1. Go to "System settings"

2. Navigate to "User role" or "System roles".

3. Set up and assign roles in Huma.

Read more about roles in Huma here.

Domain verification

It's possible to verify a domain name and let people login without them being invited. Users with a verified domain name will be created as a user in Huma when they login for the first time. 

Please reach out if you have questions about this.