PowerOffice saves weeks with an HR system complementary to its accounting system

The Norwegian software company PowerOffice has strengthened its HR with Huma. When choosing an HR system, they sought one that complemented their existing accounting system, PowerOffice Go. We spoke with HR Manager Iselin Hansen to learn more.

PowerOffice holds a unique position in Bodø, being one of the region's most attractive workplaces due to its community engagement. "We are experiencing strong growth, both economically and in terms of employees, and with 65,000 customers across Norway, it's cool that all 75 of our employees work from our headquarters in Bodø," says Iselin.

Looking for a system complementary to the accounting system

Before Iselin joined PowerOffice, it was already decided that they would switch to a more user-friendly system. Several HR systems were evaluated based on how well they could supplement PowerOffice Go. "Our system is used internally for administrative tasks like timekeeping, absence, payroll, travel expenses, and reimbursements, but we also needed a tool for follow-up between the employee and manager. We are not an HR system, so we needed another system for things like employment contracts, employee reviews, and development plans, as well as an easily accessible personnel and HSE handbook."

PowerOffice Go is the accounting system in Norway with the most satisfied customers, so they have high expectations for the systems they use internally. User-friendliness, integrations, mobile app, and the ability to customize the system to their specific needs were crucial factors, and the choice fell on Huma.

Easy to switch HR system without long introduction time, training, and courses

As the newly appointed HR manager, Iselin took over the implementation of the HR system from the CEO. Huma is so user-friendly that you don't need a manual, and the CEO had just barely started the implementation when she started, so she quickly took over the import of employees and documents, as well as adaptation to PowerOffice as a company.

The Result is massive savings

Saving Time on HR Administrative Tasks

Iselin has an HR background from large corporations and public institutions like hospitals and is used to working in heavy systems designed primarily for administration rather than the employee. She says she's used to having to log into the HR system every day to find information on things the employees are wondering about, but after the introduction of Huma, she saves a lot of time by having the employees find the information themselves.

Both the employees and the management are very satisfied with the implementation of Huma. Time savings, automation of processes, and an easier way to find information have been very positive for the company. The intuitive integration between Huma and PowerOffice Go has also made it easier to manage personnel data and maintain accuracy in the systems.

Saving weeks with ready-made templates

The quick adaptation and availability of information to employees have been critical in handling growing pains in the organization. "And it has been incredibly easy to set up!"

Customer_Case_PO"I have probably saved weeks, maybe months, by using the handbook templates in Huma! I used two days! It would have taken 10 times as long if I had built them from scratch because the work would have had to be done in fragments over a longer period, and it is so much easier to get started when you have a starting point you can customize for your own company."


Excited to use new AI features in Huma

With good integrations and tools to streamline manual tasks, we can get so much more done! On Huma's roadmap, you can glimpse a lot of exciting things for small and medium-sized customers in the Nordics, and PowerOffice looks forward to benefiting from upcoming AI features, especially in terms of streamlining job descriptions and recruitment processes.

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About PowerOffice PowerOffice Go - The universe's best accounting system. Everything you need in one place. Accounting, invoicing, time tracking, bill payment, and payroll in no time. Payments with all banks. Unlimited number of users. No. 1 in Customer Satisfaction.

About Huma Huma is the only HR system that combines modern technology with Nordic HR expertise. Easy to use and easy to like, with ready-made integrations, tools for contracts, document storage in compliance with GDPR, onboarding, handbooks, employee development, meetings, and insights as anchors for HR work in small and medium-sized businesses. Free mobile app and 0,- in startup fees.

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