Save time on financial and personnel administration

Easy integrations to Unimicro's entire accounting ecosystem

Huma has full integration with Unimicro, and their ecosystem. Synchronize across systems and spend your time on the important tasks that you actually have to do yourself


What integration means for you

Don't duplicate your work - enter your information and synchronize once. The rest happens automatically

Save time - allow the systems to talk to each other and do the work for you
Don’t type more than necessary - if you have your employee information in either Huma or Unimicro, you can easily transfer from one system to the other

Divide the company - get a better overview by dividing the company into teams and departments

Two systems with the same outlook - both Unimicro and Huma are tasked with making your working day easier

More about Huma and Unimicro

Do the job once

All you need to do is synchronize the data at startup. After that, almost everything is automatic. If you want to add a new employee to Huma, you just have to sync that person up to Unimicro and the rest happens by itself.


Avoid unnecessary plotting and typing

If you already have your employee information in either Unimicro or Huma, that’s enough. The system figures it out by itself and everything is transferred automatically. This ensures good data quality as there are fewer chances of typos and everything is done in accordance with GDPR.

"There are fewer manual processes for HR and the employees are simply much more involved in nearly everything to do with HR."

Madelen Melbøe - ABC Electro



A complete ecosystem

Unimicro offers the best solution on the market for accounting firms with DNB Regnskap, SpareBank 1 Regnskap, and Eika Regnskap. Say goodbye to double work and work efficiently across your accounting systems. Or, if you’re only using Unimicro, that works perfectly too!

Unimicro Tastetrykk Logoer

Create different teams in the organization

Do you have multiple office locations? Or maybe different departments? Split your company into different teams. Unimicro picks up on it and works together with you and your teams!

Lag egne teams i organisasjonen_NO

Seamless integration

Connect the tools that matter to your business with easy integration to Tripletex, Slack, Google and Microsoft, among others.

Simpler prices. Simpler processes

About Unimicro

Unimicro is one of Norway’s leading players in accounting systems. They’re an innovation-driven company with a rich history. By combining cutting-edge technology with deep industry experience, they bring together the best of both worlds. With a growing number of customers fueling their success, they’re ready to offer you the best customer journey in the world!