1. Gather everything in one place
The first and maybe most obvious and arguably biggest benefit is that you can store personal information, and important and private documents in on place. You wont have to bear with large, messy shelves or complicate sheets full of names and numbers anymore. Either if you need Ingrid in economy’s contract of employment or if you have to update Petter in sales’ address and phone number. It is way easier to find and keep documents updated by having them placed in one place.
Documents aren’t the only thing worth keeping in one place. Messages should also be found in the same place too, to keep a good information flow. One place where you’ll find important information from the boss, the new internal routines or maybe even pictures from the annual summer party.
Everyone know that time is money, but there is more than money to save with a modern HR-system. It will be more efficient and less people are needed to do the same tasks.
Read more about how Inligo gathered everything in one place here
2. Sleep well
Trust is fundamental at work. But how can everyone in your business know that you take privacy and safety seriously? A safe HR-system should help keeping sensitive information shut from the outside world and safe from identity theft.
Let us sneak in a quick update in GDPR in 2020. Since 2018 GDPR has contributed to much safety online at work and at home. Did you know that The Data Inspectorate’s last annual report shows that businesses with privacy representatives has more than tripled in 2019 compared to 2016? This is proof that online privacy becomes more and more relevant. Deviation reports has gone up 930% in only five years (84 deviation reports in 2014, and 1916 in 2019), and that is not because there are more online crimes. It is simply because people take it more seriously and they register more reports.
It lets us believe that people are more worried about trust - also on the job.
3. Growth and engagement
A great HR-system should open up for growth. An easier employment and on boarding of new coworkers is a prime example of that.
A better start where your new colleague’s information and contracts are already filled and signed before the first day. All of the information needed to get to know the business can be found in one place, so your new coworker can get to the actual work much quicker. A better on boarding makes for a much faster route to productivity.
Has your business got too many middle managers? When you are able to reap the benefits of digitalization, each manager can handle more people in their teams.
The HR-system should also create more engagement and loyalty. It should in fact also serve as a channel for building organizational culture. And the benefits of a good organizational culture is priceless.